Hi, thank you for visiting.
My website exists to showcase some of my art; my oil paintings, watercolours and sketches that I create for both my own pleasure as well as commissions.
Most of my recent artwork has been small, A5 or A6 sized sketches that I've created during evenings after I get home from work. Right now, this is something I do on a part-time basis and it is something I love. I can while away a few hours with a sketch that becomes a bit more involved and results in a drawing. Never too fussy but with a focus on accuracy and, hopefully, putting across to you what has attracted me to draw it in the first place.
My paintings are larger and more elaborate since they are often commissions so have a greater importance on being 'right' for the client. I still enjoy creating them as it is always an educational journey whether it's a sketch or an oil painting that I'm creating.

I add to the website almost as often as I complete a piece, I also usually present them on my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts.
If you want to take a closer look you'll find a few headers on this page to take you around the site.
I also sometimes make a blog entry. This happens if I've actually thought of something unique to say or have some kind of suggestions to share to anyone who has an interest in art or painting and drawing.
It's not a coaching blog, just an opportunity to hopefully offer some inspiration to others.
I welcome feedback, both positive and negative, since I feel that one can best develop one's skills by creating a forum of sharing thoughts. I guess it was instilled in me during my short time at art school but I've grown into a thicker skin with age!
I hope you enjoy your time here, if you do, please share my site with friends.